Types and Programming Languages`:` Introduction
Types in Computer Science
- powerful frameworks: Hoare logic, algebraic specification lagnauges, modal logics and denotational semantics
- modest power: model checkers, run-time monitoring, type systems(most popular, best established lightweight formal method)
Definition of type system:
- tractable syntatic method
- typecheckers (compilers + linkers) should be able to do their job automatically, with no manual intervention (though require type annotations)
- for proving the absence of certain program behaviors
- being static, type systems are conservative, they can categorically prove the absence of some bad program behaviors
- by classifying phrases according to the kinds of values they compute
- type system can be regarded as a static approximation to the run-time behaviors of the terms in a program.
- type system as tool for reasoning about programs.
Branches of type systems
- more practical branch concerned with programming languages (focus of book)
- sacrifice termination propterties for the sake of features like recursive function definitions
- abstract focused on connections between various “pure typed lambda-calculi” and varities of logic, via the Curry-Howard correspondence
- every well-typed computation is guranteed to terminate
What type systems are good for
- Detecting Errors
- early detection of programming errors
- Abstraction
- module languages: types show up in the interfaces of modules (and related structures, e.g. classes)
- Documentation
- Type useful when reading programs
- Language Safety
- protects its own abstractions
- untrapped errors
- portabilities
- Efficiency
- High performance due to information collected by typechecker
- Futher Applications
- Computer & Network Security
- Program analysis tools (other than compilers)
- Alias Analysis
- Exception Analysis
- Automated Theorem Proving
- Databases: e.g. new languages for querying and manipulating XML
- Computational Linguistics
Type System and Language Design
- Retrofitting type system onto a language not designed with typechecking can be tricky
- offer features/encourage programming idioms that make typehchecking difficult/infeasible.
- concrete syntax of typed languages more complicated than untyped languages.