Entropy 2-class

If $\cal I$ is the set of training examples, $p_+$ ratio of posititive examples in $\cal I$ and $p_-$ negative examples then entropy which measures impurity:

\[\text{Entropy}(I) = -p_+\log_2p_+ - p_-\log _2p_-\]

This represents expected number of bits to encode the class of a randomly drawn member of $\cal I$

Information Gain

Expected reduction in entropy due to sorting on attribute $x_i$

\[\text{Gain}({\cal I}, x_i)=\text{Entropy}(I)-\sum_{v\in\text{values}(x _i)}\frac{|\cal I_v|}{|\cal I|}\text{Entropy}(\cal I_v)\]
  • $\text{values}(x_i)$: all possible values of $x_i$
  • $\cal I_v\subset \cal I$ : points in $\cal I$ that take value $v$ for $x_i$

Mutual Information Gain & Information Gain

Mutual information is the measure of mutual dependence of two random variables.

Mutual information gain for two random variables $X$ and $Y$ is:

\[I(X;Y)=\sum_{y\in Y}\sum_{x\in X}p(x, y)\log\left(\frac{p(x,y)}{p(x)p(y)}\right)\]

In decision trees mutual information gain and information gain are synonymous:


ID3 Algorithm

Recursively perform on all examples.

  • For all $+$/$-$ examples return single node with corresponding label.
  • Otherwise split on attribute that best classifies current set of examples.

Decision Trees Features

  • Hypothesis space is complete
  • Only single hypothesis as output
  • No backtracking
  • Statistically based choices
  • True bias hard to estimate
  • Shorter trees are preferred
  • Trees with high information gain near root are preferred


Hypothesis $h\in \cal H$ overfits $X$ if $\exists h’$ such that:

$E(h|X)< E(h’|X)$ but $E_p(h)>E_p(h’)$ where $p$ is the entire distribution of data.


  • Stop when insignificant information gain
  • post pruning - subtrees/rules/
  • using ensembles


  • Real values functions - sort and split on midpoints
  • Alternative measures for selecting attributes - gain ratio / cost sensitive information gain
  • Missing attribute values - most commomn value at node / node with same target value / probability based on descendents of node

Advantages / Disadvantages

  • Easy to explain
  • No hyperparameters
  • Overfitting
  • Low accuracies (cf. other approaches)

Random Forests

Instane Bagging / Bootstrap aggregation

  • Generate $K$ different bootstrapped trainig datasets (sampling with replacement)
  • Learn a decision tree on each
  • Final prediction is the majority/average vote of all.

Freature bagging

  • Improved than instance bagging
  • Build a decision tree using a subset of $m$ features rather than all $D$ features, typically $m\approx \sqrt D$